Flow for EHR to retrieve alert information for a patient from kjernejournal

Flow for EHR to retrieve alert information for a patient from kjernejournal


Get patient status and ticket

  1. EHR must get a system-token from HelseID using either RSA-key or certificate.

  2. EHR must use machine to machine communication with system-token to kjernejournal Health-indicator service to get patient status and ticket.

Health indicator service


  • Patient identifier (Norwegian national identity number (fødselsnummer))

  • Reason for request (Optional). The reason for the request will be stored in the response ticket, which is used in later requests. Examples for reason is "consent from patient" and emergency, 


  • status -one of the following values:

    • 0: The patient identifier is not a valid Norwegian national identification number 

    • 1: The patient does not have Kjernejournal

    • 2: Kjernejournal is available

    • 3: Patient has filled in health information (illness history, communication issues)

    • 4: Attention: The patient has critical information registered in Kjernejournal

  • sistEndretKritiskInfoDato – timestamp for last change in information for patients with status 4.

  • returTekst – Description of the response status which can be used in tool-tip text.

  • ticket  – an encrypted string which contains 

    • organization number

    • Patient identifier

A ticket is only returned if the status is 2, 3 or 4. When a ticket is returned, the organization is authorized to use Kjernejournal, and the patient also has an active Kjernejournal.

Get patient alert information

If the patient status = 4, alert information is registered. If timestamp for alert information is after the local EHR timestamp, updated information should be retrieved from kjernejournal.

  1. The user must authorize via HelseID to get user-access-token, or reuse an existing HelseID session.

  2. The kjernejournal ticket and HelseID user-access-token must be passed in the request to kjernejournal FHIR service to get the patients alert information.


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