KjPractitionerRole profile
The KjPractitionerRole profile is used for registration the details for the healthcare professional and the organization that recorded the service.
Profile elements
Element | Description |
practitioner | Practitioner that performed or recorded the services for the organization |
practitioner.identifier | An identifier for the person. For healthcare professionals in Norway, the HPR number is typically used. |
practitioner.display | The practitioner name |
organization | The Organization the practitioner performed or recorded the services for |
organization.identifier | Organization number |
organization.display | Organization name |
code | The practitioner role. For healthcare professionals in Norway, the HPR role is typically used. |
code.code | The healthcare professionals role code |
code.display | The display text for the healthcare professionals role |
"contained": [ {
"resourceType": "PractitionerRole",
"id": "recorderRef",
"practitioner": {
"identifier": {
"system": "urn:oid:2.16.578.",
"value": "222200063"
"display": "Fos Perez, Jack"
"organization": {
"identifier": {
"system": "urn:oid:2.16.578.",
"value": "100100223"
"display": "Andeby Legevakt"
"code": [ {
"coding": [ {
"system": "http://nhn.no/kj/fhir/CodeSystem/CategoriesOfHealthProfessionals",
"code": "LE",
"display": "Lege"
} ]
} ]
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