Error code | Description |
KJF | |
KJF-000011 | The provided ticket is invalid |
KJF-000013 | Unknown organisation |
KJF-000014 | The user is not registered in kjernejournal. This can be solved by logging in to /ebp-webapp and confirming kj knownledge. |
KJF-000015 | The provided ticket has expired The ticket from the helseindikator (health indicator) service has a fixed lifetime, and can not be used after it expires. The user must open the patient in the EHR again, so that a fresh ticket is retrieved from kjernejournal. |
KJF-000016 | National identification number not valid |
KJF-000017 | The patient has not status active |
KJF-000018 | The request is not valid according to the XSD |
KJF-000019 | The signature in the message is invalid |
KJF-000020 | The certificate in the message is signed by an untrusted CA |
KJF-000021 | The timestamp in the message is expired |
KJF-000022 | The organisation does not have access to kjernejournal |
KJF-000023 | The message is signed with an unsupported signing algorithm |
KJF-000024 | The certificate in the message is not of an accepted type (certificate policy) |
KJF-000025 | The certificate is expired or is not yet valid |
KJF-000026 | The certificate is revoked |
KJF-000027 | The request is missing the timestamp |
KJF-000028 | The timestamp in the request is valid for too long |
KJF-000029 | The timestamp in the request is set in the future |
KJF-000030 | The certificate in the message does not have the correct key usage |
KJF-000059 | The patient does not have a general practitioner |
KJF-000065 | The resource exists with a higher version number |
KJF-000115 | Personal signature not valid |
KJF-000116 | Unsupported signing algorithm for personal signature |
KJF-000117 | CA not valid for personal certificate |
KJF-000118 | Personal certificate expired or not valid yet |
KJF-000119 | Incorrect key usage for personal certificate |
KJF-000120 | Incorrect policy personal certificate |
KJF-000121 | Missing timestamp in request |
KJF-000122 | Timestamp in request is in future |
KJF-000123 | Timestamp in request is to old |
KJF-000124 | Unsupported encryption algoritme |
KJF-000125 | Personal certificate is revoked |
KJF-000126 | Person not found for OCSP request |
KJF-000129 | User has not access |
KJF-000130 | The user is registered in kjernejournal, but not as a health personnel. This can be solved by logging in to /ebp-webapp and confirming kjernejournal knowledge. |
KJF-000131 | User has not confirmed kjernejournal knowledge |
KJF-000132 | The user does not have a valid HPR authorization |
KJF-000133 | The user does not have a HPR role which is granted access from this organization |
KJF-000134 | User is under 16 years of age |
KJF-000135 | Incorrect keyusage i certificat (signatur in WSS-header) |
KJF-000138 | Cannot create more active delineation in life-prolonging treatment |
KJF-000163 | The user does not have a HPR role which is granted access to kjernejournal |
KJF-000168 | The patient has an invalid status for this operation |
KJF-000172 | To many nin (fnr) in request |
KJF-000173 | Token not valid |
KJF-000174 | Subject for representation is older than 16 |
KJF-000175 | The bearer token in the request is not a valid HelseID access token |
KJF-000176 | Token certificate expired |
KJF-000177 | Missing access for this operation |
KJF-000178 | Internet access restricted |
KJF-000179 | The patient has restricted access to this information (can still be accessed with consent or in an emergency) |
KJF-000180 | The specific user is blocked from access by the patient (can not be bypassed) |
KJF-000185 | Token has incorrect scope |
KJF-000186 | Token missing required scope |
KJF-000190 | Token has incorrect security level |
KJF-000191 | Token is not valid |
KJF-000192 | Token valid time is to long |
KJF-000193 | Token signature is not valid |
KJF-000197 | The bearer token in the request is missing the required scope KJ expects the scope nhn:kjernejournal/api . |
KJF-000198 | The bearer token in the request is invalid (expired, wrong audience, too long validity) |
KJF-000200 | STS certificate expired |
KJF-000203 | User has not access to this resource |
KJF-000205 | Consent error |
KJF-000206 | The request is missing a mandatory field, or is otherwise invalid |
KJF-000207 | Missing internal authorisation header |
KJF-000208 | HelseId token is missing required claim |
KJF-000213 | The request is missing a required parameter |
KJF-000214 | The request contains an unparsable date Dates should be specified in ISO 8601 format, in UTC, e.g. “2017-11-24T10:58:19Z” |
KJF-000216 | Security token has incorrect security level |
KJF-000217 | Request is missing consent attribute |
KJF-000218 | The bearer token in the request is missing a mandatory claim. This could indicate that the wrong kind of token (system vs. user) was used. |
KJF-000223 | The user does not exist in kjernejournal This should only happen during testing. Ask NHN to add the user to kjernejournal, or use another test user. |
KJF-000224 | Certificate has expired |
KJF-000225 | The calling system is authenticated using an unsupported method When retrieving a token fra HelseID, the client must authenticate using a RSA key or enterprise certificate, not client secret. |
KJF-000226 | The organization is unknown to kjernejournal |
KJF-000227 | The organization does not have access to kjernejournal |
KJF-000229 | The resource does not exist |
KJF-000230 | Internal FHIR error |
KJF-000231 | Patient has not a valid status for this request |
KJF-000232 | Missing URL-encoding |
KJF-000233 | The resource in the request is invalid. See the diagnostic message for details. |
KJF-000237 | JWT validation failed |
KJF-000238 | Pid (fnr) missing in JWT |
KJF-000239 | Incorrect Pid (fnr) |
KJF-000240 | Not valid scope in JWT |
KJF-000241 | JWT period is not valid |
KJF-000242 | JWT signature not valid |
KJF-000243 | JWT representation not valid |
KJF-000244 | Patient has restricted access from internet |
KJF-000245 | Patient has restricted access |
KJF-000246 | JWT validation failed |
KJF-000247 | Missing internal authorisation in header |
KJF-000248 | Patient in JWT and request is not the same |
KJF-000249 | JWT issuer not supported |
KJF-000250 | Internal database error |
KJF-000251 | JWT consent not valid |
KJF-000252 | JWT scope not valid |
KJF-000253 | User role has not access to resource |
KJF-000254 | User or patient has not valid age for this request |
KJF-000256 | FHIR record version is not int |
KJF-000257 | Missing IdParam in delete of FHIR resource |
KJF-000258 | Invalid FHIR request |
KJF-000259 | Missing X-KJ-Ticket in header |
KJF-000260 | The request is invalid. See the diagnostic message for details. |
KJF-000261 | FHIR delete on wrong resource type |
KJF-000262 | Delete on unknown FHIR resource |
KJF-000263 | FHIR record version is not int |
KJF-000264 | Incorrect sub category FHIR request |
KJF-000265 | User has not access to delete this information |
KJF-000266 | User group error |
KJF-000267 | Invalid token |
KJF-000268 | User has not access to user group |
KJF-000269 | Missing JWT in header |
KJF-000270 | Unknown coding system |
KJF-000271 | Incorrect system in FHIR request |
KJF-000272 | Internal database error when handling FHIR request |
KJF-000274 | Patient age must be integer |
KJF-000275 | Data not found |
KJF-000276 | Code search require minimum 3 characters |
KJF-000277 | Internal database error |
KJF-000278 | Not valid update of critical information |
KJF-000279 | The request is missing the required Bearer token The access token from HelseID must be sent as a bearer token in the Authorization header. |
KJF-000282 | Detected age of critical information cannot be higher than the patient’s age |
KJF-000283 | Detected age of critical information cannot be before the patient’s born date |
KJF-000285 | No changes was detected in the update |
KJF-000290 | No M25 exists for this health-id and request-id |
KJF-000294 | Ticket is required, but is not present in the request |
KJF-000295 | Missing NIN (fnr) in request |
KJF-000296 | User in token and request is not the same |
KJF-000300 | Organisation id not valid |
KJF-000301 | Person not found |
KJF-000302 | Incorrect source system in JWT |
KJF-000303 | Not same NIN (fnr) in token and request |
KJF-000304 | User role is not valid |
KJF-000308 | The user has not confirmed required training in kjernejournal This can be solved by logging in to /ebp-webapp and confirming kj knownledge. |
KJF-000309 | Token not valid |
KJF-000310 | Issuer in token not valid |
KJF-000311 | EXP or NBF is not valid in JWT |
KJF-000312 | Token audience is not valid |
KJF-000313 | Internal configuration error for token issuer |
KJF-000314 | Threatening Content |
KJF-000316 | Not valid user group in request |
KJF-000323 | The consent specified in the request is not a valid consent It must be one of the following: HPMOTTATTSAMTYKKE , HPAKUTT , or HPUNNTAK . |
KJF-000331 | The organization is not active in kjernejournal |
KJF-000332 | Code in FHIR request is not valid |
KJF-000333 | Invalid FHIR verification status |
KJF-000334 | Unknown code in FHIR request |
KJF-000335 | Invalid FHIR criticality |
KJF-000336 | Category not valid for this FHIR resource |
KJF-000337 | Unknown onset for FHIR resource |
KJF-000338 | Unknown sub category |
KJF-000339 | FHIR version id is not valid |
KJF-000340 | Invalid FHIR status in request |
KJF-000345 | The bearer token in the request has multiple audiences KJ doesn’t allow tokens to have multiple audiences. When retrieving a token from HelseID, ask explicitly for only the nhn:kjernejournal/api scope, so that it gets only one audience. |
KJF-000347 | Value not integer |
KJF-000349 | The request is sent using a HTTP method that is not supported on this API |
KJF-000350 | The request is in an unsupported Content-Type |
KJF-000351 | A field in the request is not of the expected type |
KJF-000352 | The patient has chosen to block access for one or more healthcare professionals. Data is only shared via kjernejournal portal. |
KJF-000353 | Missing HTTP header X-EPJ-System |
KJF-000356 | Consent for override access set in header when the pasient has not set restrictions for access |
KJF-000360 | Not valid FHIR request |
KJF-000400 | Missing HTTP header X-GRUNNLAG |
KJF-000503 | Internal restriction service error |
KJS | |
KJS-000026 | Internal ticket generation error |
KJS-000027 | Ticket validation error. Try requesting a new ticket |
KJS-000040 | Error in client request policy |
KJS-000041 | Error in response policy |
KJS-000077 | Unexpected error |
KJS-000102 | Response has not the same message id as request |
KJS-000111 | Error client encrypted request policy |
KJS-000112 | OCSP service error |
KJS-000113 | Unexpected encryption in error |
KJS-000131 | User authorisation error |
KJS-000132 | Unexpected authorisation error |
KJS-000133 | User has not access to resource |
KJS-000134 | Unexpected error when creating internal header |
KJS-000135 | Unexpected ACL check error |
KJS-000209 | Unexpected error |
KJS-000213 | Internal coding system map error |
KJS-000224 | Failed to create FHIR resource |
KJS-000225 | Failed to update FHIR resource |
KJS-000232 | Internal error |
KJS-000256 | Constraints error |
KJS-000264 | Error in response from HelseID. TokenResponse from HelseID indicated that that an error has occurred. |
KJS-000303 | Token claims not valid |
KJS-000306 | FHIR response not a bundle |
KJS-000307 | FHIR resource not a person resource |
KJS-000308 | Expected a FHIR bundle |
KJS-000311 | Unexpected error |
KJS-000317 | Unexpected SOAP error |
KJS-000322 | Unexpected FHIR resource in responce |
KJS-000323 | Unexpected FHIR error |
KJS-000325 | PVK operation error |
KJX | |
KJX-000003 | Kjernejournal is not able to communicate with the HPR registry at the moment. |
KJX-000004 | Kjernejournal is not able to communicate with the GP registry at the moment. |