Error codes and messages
Below is a list of codes and error messages. The codes are linked to error situations in order to give the user an appropriate error to report to user support in the event of failure.
There are three types of error codes:
Application errors (functional errors) - KJF
System errors - KJS
External errors - KJX
Authentication errors - AUT
System errors are not listed here, as they indicate an error on the kjernejournal side.
Error code | Description |
KJF-000011 | The provided ticket is invalid |
KJF-000013 | Unknown organisation |
KJF-000014 | The user is not registered in kjernejournal. This can be solved by logging in to /ebp-webapp and confirming kj knownledge. |
KJF-000015 | The provided ticket has expired The ticket from the helseindikator (health indicator) service has a fixed lifetime, and can not be used after it expires. The user must open the patient in the EHR again, so that a fresh ticket is retrieved from kjernejournal. |
KJF-000016 | National identification number not valid |
KJF-000017 | The patient has not status active |
KJF-000018 | The request is not valid according to the XSD |
KJF-000019 | The signature in the message is invalid |
KJF-000020 | The certificate in the message is signed by an untrusted CA |
KJF-000021 | The timestamp in the message is expired |
KJF-000022 | The organisation does not have access to kjernejournal |
KJF-000023 | The message is signed with an unsupported signing algorithm |
KJF-000024 | The certificate in the message is not of an accepted type (certificate policy) |
KJF-000025 | The certificate is expired or is not yet valid |
KJF-000026 | The certificate is revoked |
KJF-000027 | The request is missing the timestamp |
KJF-000028 | The timestamp in the request is valid for too long |
KJF-000029 | The timestamp in the request is set in the future |
KJF-000030 | The certificate in the message does not have the correct key usage |
KJF-000059 | The patient does not have a general practitioner |
KJF-000065 | The resource exists with a higher version number |
KJF-000115 | Personal signature not valid |
KJF-000116 | Unsupported signing algorithm for personal signature |
KJF-000117 | CA not valid for personal certificate |
KJF-000118 | Personal certificate expired or not valid yet |
KJF-000119 | Incorrect key usage for personal certificate |
KJF-000120 | Incorrect policy personal certificate |
KJF-000121 | Missing timestamp in request |
KJF-000122 | Timestamp in request is in future |
KJF-000123 | Timestamp in request is to old |
KJF-000124 | Unsupported encryption algoritme |
KJF-000125 | Personal certificate is revoked |
KJF-000126 | Person not found for OCSP request |
KJF-000129 | User has not access |
KJF-000130 | The user is registered in kjernejournal, but not as a health personnel. This can be solved by logging in to /ebp-webapp and confirming kjernejournal knowledge. |
KJF-000131 | User has not confirmed kjernejournal knowledge |
KJF-000132 | The user does not have a valid HPR authorization |
KJF-000133 | The user does not have a HPR role which is granted access from this organization |
KJF-000134 | User is under 16 years of age |
KJF-000135 | Incorrect keyusage i certificat (signatur in WSS-header) |
KJF-000138 | Cannot create more active delineation in life-prolonging treatment |
KJF-000163 | The user does not have a HPR role which is granted access to kjernejournal |
KJF-000168 | The patient has an invalid status for this operation |
KJF-000172 | To many nin (fnr) in request |
KJF-000173 | Token not valid |
KJF-000174 | Subject for representation is older than 16 |
KJF-000175 | The bearer token in the request is not a valid HelseID access token |
KJF-000176 | Token certificate expired |
KJF-000177 | Missing access for this operation |
KJF-000178 | Internet access restricted |
KJF-000179 | The patient has restricted access to this information (can still be accessed with consent or in an emergency) |
KJF-000180 | The specific user is blocked from access by the patient (can not be bypassed) |
KJF-000185 | Token has incorrect scope |
KJF-000186 | Token missing required scope |
KJF-000190 | Token has incorrect security level |
KJF-000191 | Token is not valid |
KJF-000192 | Token valid time is to long |
KJF-000193 | Token signature is not valid |
KJF-000197 | The bearer token in the request is missing the required scope KJ expects the scope |
KJF-000198 | The bearer token in the request is invalid (expired, wrong audience, too long validity) |
KJF-000200 | STS certificate expired |
KJF-000203 | User has not access to this resource |
KJF-000205 | Consent error |
KJF-000206 | The request is missing a mandatory field, or is otherwise invalid |
KJF-000207 | Missing internal authorisation header |
KJF-000208 | HelseId token is missing required claim |
KJF-000213 | The request is missing a required parameter |
KJF-000214 | The request contains an unparsable date Dates should be specified in ISO 8601 format, in UTC, e.g. “2017-11-24T10:58:19Z” |
KJF-000216 | Security token has incorrect security level |
KJF-000217 | Request is missing consent attribute |
KJF-000218 | The bearer token in the request is missing a mandatory claim. This could indicate that the wrong kind of token (system vs. user) was used. |
KJF-000223 | The user does not exist in kjernejournal This should only happen during testing. Ask NHN to add the user to kjernejournal, or use another test user. |
KJF-000224 | Certificate has expired |
KJF-000225 | The calling system is authenticated using an unsupported method When retrieving a token fra HelseID, the client must authenticate using a RSA key or enterprise certificate, not client secret. |
KJF-000226 | The organization is unknown to kjernejournal |
KJF-000227 | The organization does not have access to kjernejournal |
KJF-000229 | The resource does not exist |
KJF-000230 | Internal FHIR error |
KJF-000231 | Patient has not a valid status for this request |
KJF-000232 | Missing URL-encoding |
KJF-000233 | The resource in the request is invalid. See the diagnostic message for details. |
KJF-000237 | JWT validation failed |
KJF-000238 | Pid (fnr) missing in JWT |
KJF-000239 | Incorrect Pid (fnr) |
KJF-000240 | Not valid scope in JWT |
KJF-000241 | JWT period is not valid |
KJF-000242 | JWT signature not valid |
KJF-000243 | JWT representation not valid |
KJF-000244 | Patient has restricted access from internet |
KJF-000245 | Patient has restricted access |
KJF-000246 | JWT validation failed |
KJF-000247 | Missing internal authorisation in header |
KJF-000248 | Patient in JWT and request is not the same |
KJF-000249 | JWT issuer not supported |
KJF-000250 | Internal database error |
KJF-000251 | JWT consent not valid |
KJF-000252 | JWT scope not valid |
KJF-000253 | User role has not access to resource |
KJF-000254 | User or patient has not valid age for this request |
KJF-000256 | FHIR record version is not int |
KJF-000257 | Missing IdParam in delete of FHIR resource |
KJF-000258 | Invalid FHIR request |
KJF-000259 | Missing X-KJ-Ticket in header |
KJF-000260 | The request is invalid. See the diagnostic message for details. |
KJF-000261 | FHIR delete on wrong resource type |
KJF-000262 | Delete on unknown FHIR resource |
KJF-000263 | FHIR record version is not int |
KJF-000264 | Incorrect sub category FHIR request |
KJF-000265 | User has not access to delete this information |
KJF-000266 | User group error |
KJF-000267 | Invalid token |
KJF-000268 | User has not access to user group |
KJF-000269 | Missing JWT in header |
KJF-000270 | Unknown coding system |
KJF-000271 | Incorrect system in FHIR request |
KJF-000272 | Internal database error when handling FHIR request |
KJF-000274 | Patient age must be integer |
KJF-000275 | Data not found |
KJF-000276 | Code search require minimum 3 characters |
KJF-000277 | Internal database error |
KJF-000278 | Not valid update of critical information |
KJF-000279 | The request is missing the required Bearer token The access token from HelseID must be sent as a bearer token in the |
KJF-000282 | Detected age of critical information cannot be higher than the patient’s age |
KJF-000283 | Detected age of critical information cannot be before the patient’s born date |
KJF-000285 | No changes was detected in the update |
KJF-000290 | No M25 exists for this health-id and request-id |
KJF-000294 | Ticket is required, but is not present in the request |
KJF-000295 | Missing NIN (fnr) in request |
KJF-000296 | User in token and request is not the same |
KJF-000300 | Organisation id not valid |
KJF-000301 | Person not found |
KJF-000302 | Incorrect source system in JWT |
KJF-000303 | Not same NIN (fnr) in token and request |
KJF-000304 | User role is not valid |
KJF-000308 | The user has not confirmed required training in kjernejournal This can be solved by logging in to /ebp-webapp and confirming kj knownledge. |
KJF-000309 | Token not valid |
KJF-000310 | Issuer in token not valid |
KJF-000311 | EXP or NBF is not valid in JWT |
KJF-000312 | Token audience is not valid |
KJF-000313 | Internal configuration error for token issuer |
KJF-000314 | Threatening Content |
KJF-000316 | Not valid user group in request |
KJF-000323 | The consent specified in the request is not a valid consent It must be one of the following: |
KJF-000331 | The organization is not active in kjernejournal |
KJF-000332 | Code in FHIR request is not valid |
KJF-000333 | Invalid FHIR verification status |
KJF-000334 | Unknown code in FHIR request |
KJF-000335 | Invalid FHIR criticality |
KJF-000336 | Category not valid for this FHIR resource |
KJF-000337 | Unknown onset for FHIR resource |
KJF-000338 | Unknown sub category |
KJF-000339 | FHIR version id is not valid |
KJF-000340 | Invalid FHIR status in request |
KJF-000345 | The bearer token in the request has multiple audiences KJ doesn’t allow tokens to have multiple audiences. When retrieving a token from HelseID, ask explicitly for only the |
KJF-000347 | Value not integer |
KJF-000349 | The request is sent using a HTTP method that is not supported on this API |
KJF-000350 | The request is in an unsupported Content-Type |
KJF-000351 | A field in the request is not of the expected type |
KJF-000352 | The patient has chosen to block access for one or more healthcare professionals. Data is only shared via kjernejournal portal. |
KJF-000353 | Missing HTTP header X-EPJ-System |
KJF-000356 | Consent for override access set in header when the pasient has not set restrictions for access |
KJF-000360 | Not valid FHIR request |
KJF-000400 | Missing HTTP header X-GRUNNLAG |
KJF-000503 | Internal restriction service error |
KJS-000026 | Internal ticket generation error |
KJS-000027 | Ticket validation error. Try requesting a new ticket |
KJS-000040 | Error in client request policy |
KJS-000041 | Error in response policy |
KJS-000077 | Unexpected error |
KJS-000102 | Response has not the same message id as request |
KJS-000111 | Error client encrypted request policy |
KJS-000112 | OCSP service error |
KJS-000113 | Unexpected encryption in error |
KJS-000131 | User authorisation error |
KJS-000132 | Unexpected authorisation error |
KJS-000133 | User has not access to resource |
KJS-000134 | Unexpected error when creating internal header |
KJS-000135 | Unexpected ACL check error |
KJS-000209 | Unexpected error |
KJS-000213 | Internal coding system map error |
KJS-000224 | Failed to create FHIR resource |
KJS-000225 | Failed to update FHIR resource |
KJS-000232 | Internal error |
KJS-000256 | Constraints error |
KJS-000264 | Error in response from HelseID. TokenResponse from HelseID indicated that an error has occurred. |
KJS-000303 | Token claims not valid |
KJS-000306 | FHIR response not a bundle |
KJS-000307 | FHIR resource not a person resource |
KJS-000308 | Expected a FHIR bundle |
KJS-000311 | Unexpected error |
KJS-000317 | Unexpected SOAP error |
KJS-000322 | Unexpected FHIR resource in responce |
KJS-000323 | Unexpected FHIR error |
KJS-000325 | PVK operation error |
KJX-000003 | Kjernejournal is not able to communicate with the HPR registry at the moment. |
KJX-000004 | Kjernejournal is not able to communicate with the GP registry at the moment. |
Authentication errors
Authentication are functional errors that can happen when a user logs on the kjernejournal portal. Not relevant for API usage.
Error code | Description |
AUT_000 | The user is not a registered user in kjernejournal. If the user had a HPR role which is granted access to kjernejournal, the user would be created automatically. So this usually means that the user is missing the HPR authorization required to use kjernejournal. |
AUT_002 | The ticket used has expired. The ticket from the helseindikator (health indicator) service has a fixed lifetime, and can not be used after it expires. The user must open the patient in the EHR again, so that a fresh ticket is retrieved from kjernejournal. |
AUT_101 | The user is not a registered user in kjernejournal. If the user had a HPR role which is granted access to kjernejournal, the user would be created automatically. So this usually means that the user is missing the HPR authorization required to use kjernejournal. |
AUT_104 | The user did not have an affiliation with the organization, and did not have any roles which is granted access from this organization without affiliation. This usually means that the user is missing the HPR authorization required to use kjernejournal. |
AUT_105 | The user tried to login without a ticket, but did not have an affiliation with an organization. This should not happen when opening kjernejournal from an EHR system - check the URL and the ticket parameter. |
AUT_108 | The user was not found in the HPR registry, and thus does not have a HPR role which is granted access to kjernejournal. |
AUT_110 | The user cancelled the authorization process. |
AUT_119 | The ticket in the URL was invalid. Verify that the ticket is correctly sent in the request, and that it is correctly URL encoded. |
AUT_128 | The user was found in the HPR registry, but did not have a HPR role which is granted access to kjernejournal. |
AUT_146 | The organization is not active in kjernejournal. This should not happen when opening kjernejournal from an EHR system - check the URL and the ticket parameter. |
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