Error codes and messages
Below is a list of codes and error messages. The codes are linked to error situations in order to give the user an appropriate error to report to user support in the event of failure.
There are three types of error codes:
Application errors (functional errors) - KJF
System errors - KJS
External errors - KJX
Authentication errors - AUT
System errors are not listed here, as they indicate an error on the kjernejournal side.
Authentication errors
Authentication are functional errors that can happen when a user logs on the kjernejournal portal. Not relevant for API usage.
Error code | Description |
AUT_000 | The user is not a registered user in kjernejournal. If the user had a HPR role which is granted access to kjernejournal, the user would be created automatically. So this usually means that the user is missing the HPR authorization required to use kjernejournal. |
AUT_002 | The ticket used has expired. The ticket from the helseindikator (health indicator) service has a fixed lifetime, and can not be used after it expires. The user must open the patient in the EHR again, so that a fresh ticket is retrieved from kjernejournal. |
AUT_101 | The user is not a registered user in kjernejournal. If the user had a HPR role which is granted access to kjernejournal, the user would be created automatically. So this usually means that the user is missing the HPR authorization required to use kjernejournal. |
AUT_104 | The user did not have an affiliation with the organization, and did not have any roles which is granted access from this organization without affiliation. This usually means that the user is missing the HPR authorization required to use kjernejournal. |
AUT_105 | The user tried to login without a ticket, but did not have an affiliation with an organization. This should not happen when opening kjernejournal from an EHR system - check the URL and the ticket parameter. |
AUT_108 | The user was not found in the HPR registry, and thus does not have a HPR role which is granted access to kjernejournal. |
AUT_110 | The user cancelled the authorization process. |
AUT_119 | The ticket in the URL was invalid. Verify that the ticket is correctly sent in the request, and that it is correctly URL encoded. |
AUT_128 | The user was found in the HPR registry, but did not have a HPR role which is granted access to kjernejournal. |
AUT_146 | The organization is not active in kjernejournal. This should not happen when opening kjernejournal from an EHR system - check the URL and the ticket parameter. |
© Norsk helsenett - kjernejournal