Integration Guide: Alert information (Kritisk informasjon)
Welcome to the Integration Guide: Alert information(Kritisk informasjon).
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Kjernejournal is established by Norwegian authorities to be the national solution for healthcare professionals to get summary card information for a patient.
For some information kjernejournal is the master, for other information kjernejournal links to the registry for the information
The main interface for kjernejournal has been a portal, which is open by a link from an user's EHR. The use of portal has ensured fast introduction of new functionality to all users. The main drawback with a portal solution is that the user(i.e. health personnel) has to punch the information twice, since is typically required that the information is registered inside patient's EHR. This implementation guide describes how an EHR can use an API for synchronizing alert information for a patient, and thereby provide a more user friendly interface for handling alert information. This will hopefully also increase both amount and quality of alert information that is registered in the national database.
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