HTTP Header
The service require an access token from HelseID, see Technical Documentation
Kjernejournal use the Norwegian national identification number (NIN) to specify the patient. The NIN is person sensitiv date and should not be part of the URL, since the URL is typically logged.
Instead kjernejournal require the ticket for the patient from the HelseIndikator service to be put in the “X-kj-ticket field” in the HTTP header.
Reason or consent from patient to access patient information
Reason/consent values
"HPMOTTATTSAMTYKKE" -Consent received from the patient
"HPAKUTT" -Reason is emergency
"HPUNNTAK" -Consent not required. If specialist or the patients General Practitioner
A consent is required from the patient to access the patients alert information. This is normally set in the request to HelseIndikator service and is part of the ticket. The header KJ-SAMTYKKE-BRUK can be used to override the consent in the ticket.
If the patient has restricted access to the alert information module, a reason or consent from the patient is required. The header KJ-SAMTYKKE-SPERRET-KRITISKINFO is used to set the reason. This MUST NOT be used if the patient hasn’t restricted access to the alert information module.
HTTP Header parameters
The header section of the request requires the following parameters to be set:
Parameter | Description | Value | Example |
Authorization | HelseId JWT | Bearer <HelseId.bruker.JWT> |
X-kj-ticket | Ticket from the HelseIndikator service. Contains the Patient national identity number |
| HGhktf877MpMI… |
KJ-SAMTYKKE-BRUK | Reason or consent from patient to access alter information. This header overrides the consent in the ticket. |
KJ-SAMTYKKE-SPERRET-KRITISKINFO | Reason or consent from patient to access a restricted module (Alert information). Only to be set if the patient has restricted access. |
X-EPJ-System | Which EHR the request originated and which version of the system was used |
| ACME EHR system versjon 42.01 |
Accept | Parameter for selecting response in json or xml format | application/<format> | application/json or application/xml |
Content-Type | Must be set for POST, PUT |
| application/fhir+json; charset=UTF-8 |
Accept-Charset: utf-8
Accept: application/fhir+json;q=1.0
Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiIxMzM3IiwiYWxnIjo...
X-EPJ-System: ACME EPJ system versjon 42.01
X-KJ-TICKET: HGhktf8... |
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