Retrieve alert info for a patient

Retrieve alert info for a patient

Retrieve all alert info for a patient.


Kjernejournal use the Norwegian national identification number (NIN) to specify the patient. The NIN is a person’s sensitive data and should not be part of any URL since URLs are typically logged.

Instead kjernejournal require the ticket for the patient from the HelseIndikator service to be put in the HTTP header. See HTTP Header .

FHIR uses the argument '$everything' to search for all information on a patient. For kjernejournal only alert information is returned.

URL /v1/fhir/Patient

GET <host>/v1/fhir/Patient/$everything

GET https://api.st2.kjernejournal-test.no:8000/v1/fhir/Patient/$everything








Currently, only the $everything search parameter is supported



If the patient has any alert info registered, then the response is a bundle with an entry array of alert info resources. See https://simplifier.net/kjernejournalr4 for description of the resources.


{ "resourceType": "Bundle", "entry": [ { "resource": { "resourceType": "AllergyIntolerance", "id": "c00747a8-80bd-416a-ab60-3c29dc466ac4", "meta": { "versionId": "1", "lastUpdated": "2021-03-21T12:06:13.121+01:00", "profile": [ "http://nhn.no/kj/fhir/StructureDefinition/KjAllergyIntolerance" ] }, "contained": [ { "resourceType": "PractitionerRole", "id": "recorderRef", "practitioner": { "identifier": { "system": "urn:oid:2.16.578.", "value": "222200063" }, "display": "Fos Perez, Jack" }, "organization": { "identifier": { "system": "urn:oid:2.16.578.", "value": "100100223" }, "display": "Andeby Legevakt" }, "code": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "http://nhn.no/kj/fhir/CodeSystem/CategoriesOfHealthProfessionals", "code": "LE", "display": "Lege" } ] } ] } ], "extension": [ { "url": "http://nhn.no/kj/fhir/StructureDefinition/KjSourceOfInformation", "valueCoding": { "system": "http://nhn.no/kj/fhir/CodeSystem/SourceOfInformation", "code": "2", "display": "Observert av behandlende lege" } } ], "clinicalStatus": { "coding": [ { "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/allergyintolerance-clinical", "code": "active", "display": "Active" } ] }, "verificationStatus": { "extension": [ { "url": "http://nhn.no/kj/fhir/StructureDefinition/KjPresumed", "valueBoolean": true } ], "coding": [ { "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/allergyintolerance-verification" } ] }, "category": [ "medication" ], "criticality": "high", "code": { "coding": [ { "system": "http://nhn.no/kj/fhir/CodeSystem/DrugTradeName", "code": "ID_4A56CC12-0B42-4C5D-B422-DF5760F1CED7", "display": "Fomepizole Serb Kons til inf væske 5 mg/ml" } ] }, "patient": { "reference": "Patient/13116900216" }, "onsetAge": { "value": 5, "system": "http://unitsofmeasure.org", "code": "a" }, "recordedDate": "2021-03-21T12:06:13+01:00", "recorder": { "reference": "#recorderRef" }, "reaction": [ { "manifestation": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "http://nhn.no/kj/fhir/CodeSystem/TypeOfReaction", "code": "14", "display": "Nyresvikt/redusert nyrefunksjon" } ] } ] } ] } }, { "resource": { "resourceType": "Condition", "id": "a0bc10dd-50cb-45ca-94a7-4444d297fe22", "meta": { "versionId": "1", "lastUpdated": "2021-03-21T12:05:09.471+01:00", "profile": [ "http://nhn.no/kj/fhir/StructureDefinition/KjConditionInfection" ] }, "contained": [ { "resourceType": "PractitionerRole", "id": "recorderRef", "practitioner": { "identifier": { "system": "urn:oid:2.16.578.", "value": "222200063" }, "display": "Fos Perez, Jack" }, "organization": { "identifier": { "system": "urn:oid:2.16.578.", "value": "100100223" }, "display": "Andeby Legevakt" }, "code": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "http://nhn.no/kj/fhir/CodeSystem/CategoriesOfHealthProfessionals", "code": "LE", "display": "Lege" } ] } ] } ], "extension": [ { "url": "http://nhn.no/kj/fhir/StructureDefinition/KjSourceOfInformation", "valueCoding": { "system": "http://nhn.no/kj/fhir/CodeSystem/SourceOfInformation", "code": "1", "display": "Resultat av tester / analyser" } } ], "clinicalStatus": { "coding": [ { "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/condition-clinical", "code": "active", "display": "Active" } ] }, "verificationStatus": { "coding": [ { "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/condition-ver-status", "code": "confirmed", "display": "Confirmed" } ] }, "category": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "http://nhn.no/kj/fhir/CodeSystem/SubcategoriesOfCriticalInformation", "code": "10", "display": "Smitte" } ] } ], "code": { "coding": [ { "system": "http://nhn.no/kj/fhir/CodeSystem/TypeOfInfection", "code": "1", "display": "Sykdom forårsaket av meticillin-resistente gule stafylokokker (MRSA)" } ] }, "subject": { "reference": "Patient/13116900216" }, "onsetDateTime": "2020-05-08T00:00:00+02:00", "recordedDate": "2021-03-21T12:05:09+01:00", "recorder": { "reference": "#recorderRef" } } } ] }


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