KjDevice profile
KjDevice profile
The KjDevice profile is used in the KjDeviceUseStatement profile to specify the type of device the pasient has as implant.
Profile elements
KJ (ny R4 profil) | Beskrivelse | Kommentar |
id | Record id | id + meta.versionId is the unique identifier |
meta.versionId | Version id |
type.coding | The kind or type of device |
type.coding.code | Code for implants and other foreign bodies |
note | Note |
"resourceType": "Device",
"id": "deviceRef",
"status": "active",
"type": {
"coding": [ {
"system": "http://nhn.no/kj/fhir/CodeSystem/ImplantsAndOtherForeignBodies",
"code": "9",
"display": "Pacemaker"
} ]
"note": [ {
"text": "Medtronic Pacemaker modell Adapta - ADDRS2"
} ]
} ]
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